Friday, 2 January 2015

New Year's Day 10km

New Year's Day is typically for most a day spent in a slumber on the sofa or perhaps hungover on the bathroom floor. I usually considered myself very active on NYD by either going out for dinner or to the cinema.

So this year I exceeded my own expectations. I entered a race which was on the morning of NYD.

I landed back in London from NYC at 7am on 31st December. I went straight home. I showered and then worked from home for the day. No cat naps in the daytime it was then time for my friends to come over for some bubbles ahead of dinner at the local pub. Fun was had. Rum was drunk. More bubbles were drunk. Coffee with Amaretto was drunk. A little bit of dancing was done. I went home at 1:30am. Not ideal preparation ahead of a race.

So when the alarm went off at 8am I could quite easily have ignored it and gone back to bed; however I forced myself into the shower, dressed and made my way to Hyde Park to register for the race.

Getting to Hyde Park I was looking forward to running; however after 15 minutes of standing in the cold I just wanted to start so I could warm up. I was pleased I had worn winter running attire. I picked up my race packet. The timing chip confused me. I tried several times to attach it but had to had a rest and try again once more. I am sure it was more complicated than me simply being tired. The race was only for about 600 people but it had a pleasant and friendly atmosphere at registration.

Soon enough we lined up and were on our way. The route took us through Hyde Park and across into Kensington Gardens. We made a left near one of my favourite trees (the fairy tree) and past Kensington Palace at which point I waved (in my head) to Kate, Wills and George...and bump.

After a few KMs I was pretty warm. Nothing could be done except keep going. There were a lot of good runners in the field and I can see them far ahead of me. I was in a pack with three other ladies who were all battling it out for third place in the ladies category. We each made efforts to go in front of the other which was good for my pace as I am sure I may have slowed down had I not had the others to keep me going.

We eventually left Kensington Gardens and ran along the Serpentine all the way to the finish. I crossed the line in 38 minutes flat placing me 33rd overall which I was pleased with.

So a very different but lovely start to the new year. I celebrated with my last Egg Nog Starbucks of the season.