Monday, 9 September 2013

City 11 done: Amsterdam

Yesterday was the Amsterdam City Swim.

2012 was the inaugural year for the event for the 1.5km swim in the city’s extensive 100km of canals. Rumour has it that the Queen of the Netherlands was taking part (as she did last year) but I am not sure if she did make an appearance; however the thought that I potentially did race a real live Royal is exciting....

Just before I set off for Amsterdam I had a look at the joining instructions again….seemingly it appeared that the distance of the race has increased from 1,500m to 2,013m. I see what they did there with the year but an extra 500m in a swim race is quite a difference as opposed to just adding it on to a run?! Oh well….no time for moaning! I just had to get on with it! 

There was a brilliant atmosphere at the start area. I was nervous but excited and pleased to be in the second wave of starters so that I didn’t have to hang around too long. The professionals were set off by the firing of a loud canon from a ship in the dock. Shortly after I jumped into the canals and was off too.

The first section of the swim was in more open water so it felt like it was taking ages to reach the first bridge. Once there though we were into the smaller canals of the city and there were supporters everywhere. It was fantastic to see so many people standing and sitting on the bridges, streets and houseboats shouting their support. 

I finished the swim in a time of 37 minutes and 31 seconds placing me 122nd out of 1,772 swimmers which I was pleased as punch with. 

Let's see if the Queen can beat that eh?!

So that's my 11th Olympic City stop Beijing in a few days!

Some pictures below:

Post race with flag and medal:

Post Race in dressing gown, flip flops and goody bag ever:

Post race:


Was someone trying to run?!

Until next time....

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