Saturday, 2 May 2015

The Electric Run, London

Hello Wembley!

Tonight was the Electric Run in London which promised to be the brightest 5km in the World. It did not let me down and delivered on the promise.

For my journey to the run I had hidden my flashing bracelet in my bag as it couldn't actually turn it off. Best to keep it hidden as nobody likes a flasher on the public transport do they? I was; however hoping the battery would last until the end of the run.

Stepping off the tube at Wembley Park I was greeted by the magnificent arch of the Stadium completely lit up in pink. It looked stunning. It was a lovely tribute to the main charity of the night (Breast Cancer Care.)

Lining up at the start the DJ was pumping. The crowd were covered in ultra violet glasses, tops, skirts and a plethora of other paraphernalia. Some were drinking. Some were smoking. It was most definitely a fun run. The build up to kick off time was great. Glow sticks were being thrown into the crowd. The lights were every colour imaginable and the music was electric too. Before I knew it a dance version of Wannabe was on and the ten second count down started. I was shamelesely excited by the choice of song for the start and then we were off. The bracelet which I had now retrieved from my bag and placed firmly on my wrist was now gone. Bollocks. Clearly I hadn't attached it well enough.

Running was a light pace with competitors running, jogging, walking and dancing their way along. We circumnavigated the stadium which gave great views of the finish line below as well as those waiting to start in a later wave.

We passed inflatable ice creams, cakes (which amazingly smelt of bubble gum) and people on stilts.

The KMs were passing quickly and soon we were at a water stop. The cups were all different colours and I wish all drink stations could be like this. All too soon we approached the final stretch which saw us under rainbow coloured arches. The 5km had gone by in a flash. I hadn't timed myself but I would say it had all gone by in less than 25 minutes. The time wasn't important. Tonight was all about electricity.

In summary it was lovely. It was fun. It made me want to head straight to Ibiza (or at a minimum to Soho to see the night out.)

Alas I have returned home and am enjoying a decaf coffee and a macaroon whilst I write. I guess I can't be rock n roll all the time eh?

Thanks Electric Run. I will be back to join you again.

Flashing on the tube:

The beautiful Wembley Stadium arch:

Getting ready at the start line:

WANNABE! Let's go!

I can smell bubblegum:

Runners everywhere!

A drinks station like no other!

The final stretch to the finish line:

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